The project aim is to understand drivers of forest ecosystem change by disentangling roles of climate and disturbances. The Ph.D. student will focus on climate reconstructions based on paleoecological and geochemistry data from mountain lakes in Eastern Carpathians. Student will carry on analyses of chironomids and subsequent climatic reconstruction during the Postglacial. It is expected that the student will contribute with analysis and interpretation of sedimentary biomarkers (δD and br-GDGT) for climate reconstruction. The work will be part of a multi-disciplinary research project and data will be the main constituent of a series of analyses (geochemistry, pollen, beetle remains) that will be statistically analysed and compared to dendroecological data on forest disturbance history. The student will also be responsible for larger spatial scale comparison of previously analysed data. The successful candidate will have an interest in palaeoecology and past environmental and climate change.
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